Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I want to take this opportunity to welcome friends and family to my new blog.

This blog gives me a place to post pics of the cards and scrapbook pages that I create, and a place to share what I'm up to.

Isn't this the coolest looking blog ????? Nope, I am not bragging 'cause I did not create it.

It was created by Becky at the cutest blog on the block. There is a button in the upper left corner which will take you to her blog. She has the coolest backgrounds etc.

In Hong Kong, EVERYONE asks the cost of EVERYTHING. So here goes!

The cost of creating this blog:

dragon image from fotolia $ 20
rubber stamp in dragon's hand from i stock image $ 7
design by Becky $ 25

Someplace to call my own: priceless